Title I
What is Title I?
Title I is a federal grant program that provides funding to local school districts to improve the academic achievement of disadvantaged students. The Title I program originated in 1965 when Congress passed the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, and was reauthorized in 2001 with the passage of the No Child Left Behind Act. Title I is one of the oldest and largest federal programs supporting elementary and secondary education with over 90% of the school systems in the United States receiving some sort of funding.
The Title I program provides financial assistance through State educational agencies (SEAs) to local educational agencies (LEAs) and public schools with high numbers or percentages of disadvantaged children to help ensure that all children meet challenging State academic content and student academic achievement standards. Children in both public and non-public schools can receive Title I services.
Hampton Township School District offers a supplemental program to students who do not reach benchmark levels in reading and math in grades K-8 and to those students who do not reach benchmark levels in literature, algebra and biology in grades 9-12. The instruction is tailored to the academic weaknesses and provided in a small group setting outside the regular education classroom instruction time.
The Hampton Township School District schools serviced by Title I are:
- Hampton Middle School
- Hampton High School
What is the Title I Like program?
Title I Like is a provision in the Title I law that permits districts to use district and state funds to provide remedial services to children in schools not serviced by Title I. In order to use the Title I Like program, a district must follow the intent of the Title I law in the ineligible buildings. The program aligns with the Title I Program.
The Hampton Township schools serviced by the Title I Like programs are:
- Central Elementary
- Poff Elementary
- Hampton High School
What is the goal of Title I?
The goal of Title I funding is to ensure that all children have a fair, equal, and significant opportunity to obtain a high quality education and reach, at minimum, proficiency on challenging state academic achievement standards and state academic assessments.
What does the Title I program offer?
Title I funds generally are used to improve academic achievement in reading and math, but the resources can be used to help students improve their achievement in all of the core academic subjects. Title I funds are flexible, and can be used to provide professional development for teachers; support hiring additional teachers and classroom aides; improve curriculum; enhance parent involvement; extend learning time for students who need extra help; and provide other activities that are tied to raising student achievement.
Hampton Township School District provides Title I/Title I Like services to students in grades K-8 through the Response to Instruction and Intervention (RtII) program and to students in grades 9-12 through the Academic Support program. HTSD employs both RtII facilitators and academic support teachers to provide tailored instruction to the students so they have the opportunity to achieve academic success.
Parent Survey
It is our responsibility to report our success and also identify areas where we might improve. Annually, we send out a survey to collect your thoughts on our program. Through your unique relationship with your child, you can provide insight that we value. Your opinions matter.